Name of the Association:
Address of the Association
The Department of Psychology, Humanities Building
Opposite main office of Sardar Patel University
At & Post: Vallabhvidyanagar Dist:-Anand., Gujarat Pin code:388120
⇒Date of the establishment of the Association is 11/10/2008
Aims and Objective of the Association
Aims at fostering friendly ties with its alumni spread across the State of Gujarat other States of India, and in countries abroad. It seeks to serve the following objectives:
(a) To organise reunions of the alumni of the Department of Psychology,
(b) To host academic events like seminars, symposia, workshops, conferences etc,
(c) To organise cultural events as a part of the reunions,
(d) To create an atmosphere of participation, meaningful exchange of ideas, and to provide a platform to the alumni to contribute to and in return benefit from the academic resources available in the Department, and
(e) To organise special events and raise funds for use in the development of the Department.
Organization of the Association on 2017-18
- Prof. (Dr.) Samir J.Patel
- Prof. (Dr) Suresh M.Makvana
Who are alumni of the Department, and coordinate the activities of AADPSPU as President, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, and Treasurer respectively.
Contact e-mail ID:
⇒Our Alumni:
In Administrative Positions: In Administrative positions
Sr. No. |
Name | Mobile | Administrative positions |
1. | Dr.M.G.Mansuri | 09429958820 | President |
2. | Dr.S.B.Raval | 07567303369 | Vice-President |
3. | Dr.Ashvin Sharma | 08511105372 | Secretary |
4. | Dr.J.R.Khaniya | 08401492865 | Join-Secretary-Male |
5. | Dr. Dr.Pallavi Trivedi | 09428491288 | Joint Secretary -Female |
6. | Dr.Arpita chavada | 08000862966 | Member |
7. | Dr.Parimal Balvantbhai S | 09909611799 | Member |
8. | Dr.Mahesh Bharwad | 09033541358 | Member |
9. | Dr. Sunil Satishchandra Jadav | 09574465446 | Member |
10. | Dr. Nikita S. Sonara | 09033060288 | Member |
11. | Shree Rajendra Barot | 09429736330 | Member |
⇒Our Alumni:
In Administrative Positions: In Administrative positions
1. | Dr.M.G.Mansuri | Co-ordinator of the alumni |
2. | Dr. Dr.Pallavi Trivedi | Co-Co-ordinator of the alumni |
⇒Male alumni in the Academia (Alphabetically)
1. | Dr.Samir J.Patel | Professor, Department of Psychology, Sardar Patel university |
2. | Dr.Suresh M.Makvana | Professor, Department of Psychology, Sardar Patel university |
⇒Female alumni in the Academia (Alphabetically)
1. | Dr.Arpita chavada | Assistant professor |
2. | Dr. Nikita S. Sonara | Assistant professor |
⇒Alumni in Superannuation (Alphabetically)
1. | Dr.C.B.Jadeja | Former Vice-Chancellor, Katch University Katch-Bhuj-Gujarat |
2. | Dr.Mahipatsinh D.Chavada | Former Vice-Chancellor, MKB University of Bhavanagar-Gujarat |
3. | Dr.Nitin Pethani | Former Vice-Chancellor, Saurashtra University of Rajkot-Gujarat |
4. | Prof.S.M.Makvana | Professor & Head, Department of Psychology Sardar Patel University (from 2016 to continue) |
5. | Prof.S.J.Patel | Former Professor & Head, Department of Psychology Sardar Patel University (2011 to 2015) |
6. | Prof.L.R.Yagnik | Former Professor & Head, Department of Psychology Sardar Patel University (2002 to 2011) |
All our students securing 60 to 70 per cent marks are happily employed as Assistant/Associate Professors in colleges in Gujarat, Maharashtra, and other states of the country. Nearly 40 per cent of them had chosen to go in for the BEd programme after their MA and had found gainful employment in the school system. Some had chosen to go into other professions and services. We feel the need for a thorough revision of this list so that we can include those of us whose names have been left out because we do not know their whereabouts.
We have been trying hard to update our lists and are keen to hear from our other alumni. We appeal to them to get in touch with us and inform us of the places of their posting. We would like them to know that their Department cares for them; for each one of them once on its rolls; would love to hear from them, to interact with them, and be of whatever assistance we can to them. We would like them to participate in the seminars, workshops etc we organise year after year, and see for themselves what their good wishes have made it today.
Alumni are requested to send us their constructive feedback based on their assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the curricula on offer, the methodology of teaching and learning that was used, the evaluation mechanism etc during their time here, besides their assessment of the latest curricula put on this website, and on what they feel we need to do in the years to come. (Alumni Feedback) Their input will help us work out strategies for remodelling ourselves so as to make them feel proud of their alma mater.
They may feel free to contact us on phone, by fax, or by e-mail, or by air (in case of those abroad), or by land mail if they so desire using the address made available in ‘Contact Information’ on these webpages. |

Receipt on Life Memebers of SPU