Procedure to Obtain Transcript (College Records)
(A)Students of Department of Sardar Patel University:
The Students, who have completed / incomplete (left) their studies from any department of Sardar Patel University have to apply in prescribed application form with necessary fees & documents and submitted to the Academic section, Room No. 213 of University Administration Building.
Required Documents for Transcript (College Records):
Attach the following documents (attested copy) with the application form as given below.
(1)Post Graduation degree & marksheet of all the years. (Also Attach marksheets of Fail, ATKT, Absent.)
(1) Do not attach the original Copy of certificate or mark sheet, but it may be required for verification at the time of submission of application form.
(2) Transcript will be available to the candidates on or after 15 working days of the receipt of his /her complete application.
(B) Students of Affiliated College or Institute:
The Students, who have completed / incomplete(left) their studies from any affiliated college / institute of Sardar Patel University have to apply to their respective college/ institute with necessary fees & documents. After getting the transcript (with college sealed cover and signature) from the college, student can get it further sealed cover and university authorities signature (if required) from Examination section, Room no. 214 of University Administration Building.
Required Documents for Transcript (College Records):
Attach the following documents (photocopy & True copy) with the application form as given below.
(1) Graduation degree & marksheet of all the years.(Also Attach marksheet of Fail. ATKT, Absent)